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Preparing for your stay

Thank you for choosing Geisinger Marworth Treatment Center to support you in building a life in recovery. Take a moment to view or download our admissions brochure, which will help you understand what to expect and how to prepare for your time with us.

Admissions brochure: What to expect (PDF)

What to pack

Patients in residential addiction treatment should pack a 5-day supply of comfortable, washable clothing. Limit luggage to one suitcase and an overnight bag. Electronic devices, such as televisions, iPads and video games, are not permitted. View or download the printable packing check list for full guidance on what to bring for your stay.

Printable packing checklist (PDF)

Dress code

The way you dress can reflect your attitude about your addiction recovery. We would like you to bring comfortable, casual clothing, but not too casual. Personal grooming may be a therapeutic concern that could be addressed by staff. Appropriateness of all dress and accessories is subject to the discretion of the staff. View or download the printable dress code for more information.

Printable dress code (PDF) 

Call Marworth at 800-442-7722 to speak with an admissions counselor. You can enroll in a substance use recovery program yourself or refer someone else for treatment. Many people are referred to Marworth by a family member, family doctor, therapist, employer, employee assistance program, insurance provider, clergy, community organization or another drug and alcohol center.

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